Dr Bart Lambert

Bart LambertTrained at Ghent University (Belgium), Bart Lambert has joined the University of York to work on the ‘England’s Immigrants 1330-1550’ project in 2012.
Bart’s research interests include the history of international trade and banking, the commercial contacts between late medieval Italy, England and the Burgundian Low Countries in particular. He was awarded his PhD at Ghent in 2011, his thesis being a study of the institutional framework of Genoese trade in 15th-century Bruges. He has published a monograph on a family of Lucchese bankers, titled The City, the Duke and their Banker. The Rapondi family and the Formation of the Burgundian State (1384-1430), with Brepols in 2006, as well as several scholarly articles. Another research interest lies in the production, commercialisation and consumption of luxury textiles in late medieval and early modern Europe. As the co-ordinator of an international research network involving people working on the history of precious fabrics, Bart has organised several interdisciplinary workshops and, together with Katherine Wilson (University of Chester), is currently editing a volume on the subject, to be published in Ashgate’s Early Modern Series in 2014.
Within the ‘England’s Immigrants’ project, Bart is responsible for the research into the ‘Work’ strand. He assesses the immigrants’ professional activities, as well as the way in which their contributions to the local agricultural, manufacturing and commercial economies were perceived. Moreover, Bart focuses on those people moving to England from the Low Countries and Germany and, together with Christian Liddy (Durham University), those settling in the counties of East Anglia.

The England’s Immigrants website can be found at http://www.englandsimmigrants.com/


Ancestry from Abroad: Migration to England between 1330 and 1550

England’s Immigrants is a major new project, funded by the Arts & Humanities Research Council, on all aspects of the immigrant experience in England in the period 1330-1550. The project draws on extensive archival evidence about the names, origins, occupations and households of a significant number of foreigners who chose to make their lives and livelihoods in England in the era of the Hundred Years War, the Black Death and the Wars of the Roses.


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